OxR Foods Limited is always looking for new, reliable and high-quality suppliers to provide our customers with the freshest and most delicious food products. If you are interested in becoming a supplier for our company, there are a few things you should know. First, you must meet our strict standards for sourcing and production, including using premium ingredients, adhering to ethical and sustainable practices and being able to provide timely and efficient delivery. Second, we require a completed supplier application, which will be evaluated by our team and a decision will be made based on the information provided. Third, we have strict terms and conditions that must be followed, including pricing and payment terms, quality control measures and confidentiality agreements. If you are interested in becoming a supplier for OxR Foods Limited, we encourage you to review our terms and conditions and submit an application.

Becoming a supplier for OxR Foods Limited is a great opportunity for businesses that specialize in providing high-quality food products. We are always on the lookout for new and reliable partners to work with. In order to be considered as a supplier, you must meet our strict standards for sourcing and production. This includes using premium ingredients, adhering to ethical and sustainable practices, and being able to provide timely and efficient delivery. Additionally, we value open and transparent communication, as well as a commitment to mutual growth and success. If you believe your business aligns with these values and can meet our needs, we encourage you to apply to become a supplier for OxR Foods Limited.

  1. Introduction: These terms and conditions (the "Terms") govern the relationship between OxR Foods Limited (the "Company") and any individual, company, or organization (the "Supplier") who wishes to supply goods and services to the Company. By submitting an application to become a supplier, the Supplier agrees to be bound by these Terms.
  2. Eligibility: To be eligible to become a supplier for the Company, the Supplier must be able to provide high-quality food products that meet the Company's standards for sourcing and production. This includes using premium ingredients, adhering to ethical and sustainable practices, and being able to provide timely and efficient delivery.
  3. Application Process:  The Supplier must complete and submit an application to become a supplier for the Company. The Company reserves the right to approve or reject any application at its sole discretion.
  4. Pricing and Payment: The Supplier will submit their pricing and payment terms to the Company. The Company may accept or reject the Supplier's terms at its sole discretion. Payment will be made in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.
  5. Delivery: The Supplier is responsible for ensuring timely and efficient delivery of goods and services to the Company. Any delay in delivery may result in termination of the agreement.
  6. Quality Control: The Company reserves the right to inspect and test the Supplier's goods and services to ensure they meet the Company's standards. If the goods or services fail to meet these standards, the Company may terminate the agreement.
  7. Intellectual Property: The Supplier represents and warrants that the goods and services provided do not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of any third party.
  8. Confidentiality: The Supplier shall keep all confidential information of the Company strictly confidential and shall not use such information for any purpose other than as required to perform their obligations under the agreement.
  9. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement at any time with or without cause by giving written notice to the other party.
  10. Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where the Company is based.
We are always on the lookout for new and reliable partners to work with.

Become our Supplier

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